We provide bike and e-bike rental service in İstanbul. You can rent a bicycle, hourly, daily or weekly.
Bike Models ( 2018)
Rental Fees regular bikes:
daily: 40 tl weekly : 125 tl for aluminum framed and/or 28 inch bikes
Rental Fees e-bikes:
daily: 100 tl weekly: 400 tl for goccia/benelli city zero 250w 10ah e-bikes.
Bikes are in good working order. We can send you the pictures via whatsapp.

+90 (535) 305-8156
Where are we?
We are located on the Asian side of İstanbul, in Kadıköy Rıhtım – Near Boğa. (you can take the bike on metro during off-peak hours). You can reach Kadıköy via Ferry (from Beşiktaş, Karaköy, Eminönü), via Metrobüs, Metro, Bus from all around Istanbul. Contact us via Whatsapp or Phone if you need help with directions. E-bikes are near Bostancı Metro Station.
We are open
8:00 – 19:30 Weekdays & Saturday
12:00 – 19:30 Sunday
We require either a deposit or an ID.
E-Bike Rental / Electric Bicycle
We provide 250W, Benelli/Goccia folding e-bikes for rent. Range is 40-60 kms, speed limit is 25 km/h. It has pedalling assist system, and the assist ratio can be adjusted via left handlebar. The bike is foldable, you can take it to metro, ferry, or bus with you and weighs about 22 kg. If you want to rent an electric bicycle from us please contact us via phone or WhatsApp for details and availability. We are located near Bostancı Metro Statiton exit #2 on the East (asian) Side of Istanbul.
The price is 100 TL / day, 400/wk, 1000/month

call us
0 (535) 305-8156
We speak Spanish, German and English.
Alquiler de Bicicletas eléctricas Estambul
El precio de alquiler e-bike es 100 tl/ dia, 400/semana, 1000/mes. Necesitamos un deposito, y documento de identificacion. Mandenos un mensaje de WhatsApp para locacion, detalles y disponibilidad. Estamos cerca de estacion subterraneo Bostancı (salida #2) en la parte Asiatico de Estambul.
About us:
There are many bikes left unattended and there are many people who would love to ride a bike. So, we buy 2nd hand bikes, clean & repair them, and rent them out at competitive prices. We are passionate about cycling. We organize courses & tours as well.
Weather forecast for today (for weekly forecast: click here ):
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